HPCS 2015 Doctoral Colloquium
Call for Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium
The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation
(HPCS 2015)
July 20 – July 24, 2015
The Hilton Amsterdam Hotel
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
http://hpcs2015.cisedu.info/ or http://cisedu.us/rp/hpcs15
Proposal Submission Deadline: April 10, 2015 - Extended
The 2015 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2015) is to address, explore and exchange information on the state-of-the-art in high performance and large scale computing systems, their use in modeling and simulation, their design, performance and use, and their impact. The Conference will be held on July 20 - 24, 2015 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
The conference will include a session for student doctoral work presentations.
The HPCS 2015 Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium is intended to bring together PhD students working on HPCS and Simulation related topics, to provide them a friendly forum and an opportunity to present, discuss and illustrate their ongoing research in a constructively critical and informal atmosphere, to obtain valuable feedback from conference attendees, particularly senior researchers and experts in the field. Additionally, the colloquium is meant to facilitate the interaction and collaboration with other researchers. Doctoral students who have not defended their thesis before HPCS 2015 are invited to participate in the HPCS 2015 Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium. Students at various stages of their PhD program are encouraged to submit their work, either as a DDC extended abstract or possibly as a full paper. Students presenting their work at HPCS 2015 may apply for Student Travel Grant that we hope to make available (tentative) as posted on the HPCS 2015 web site.
TOPICS INCLUDE (but are not limited to):
All HPCS related topics http://hpcs2015.cisedu.info/home.
Students interested in participating in the HPCS 2015 Doctoral Colloquium are requested to submit an extended abstract of up to 3 pages (written in English, in the posted IEEE format, single-spaced, double-column, including figures, tables, and references) with the following: title, name, affiliation and contact information; name of dissertation adviser(s); an introduction to the research (problem definition, research motivations, background and literature review); method used and proposed solution (idea, existing and planned proposals, innovative aspects of the solution); current status of the research and expected results; plans to complete the research; and expected contributions. Include up to 6 keywords from the topics list. Add “Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium Extended Abstract” under the title, author and affiliation.
If interested in submitting a longer manuscript, please discuss with the DDC Chairs.
Students should also provide a reference letter by their dissertation adviser. Paper and letter should be sent electronically as WORD and pdf documents to Dissertation Colloquium Co-Chairs as email attachments. Also, include a note stating how you expect to benefit from attending the Doctoral Colloquium.
Contributions will be reviewed and selected based on quality, relevance, and research phase. The selection process will focus on opportunity to benefit from participation, rather than finished research. All accepted doctoral abstracts are required to be presented and will be included in the conference proceedings.
Doctoral Dissertation Paper Submission Deadline ------------ April 10, 2015 - Extended
Notification of Acceptance by ----------------------------------- April 20, 2015
Registration & Camera-Ready Manuscripts Due by ----------- May 14, 2015
Conference Dates ------------------------------------------------- July 20 – 24, 2015
For information or questions about the Doctoral Dissertation Colloquium, please contact the Doctoral Dissertation Co-Chairs:
Sebastien Limet
LIFO - Université d'Orléans, France
Phone: +33 2 38 49 44 60
Fax: +33 2 38 41 71 37
Email: sebastien.limet@univ-orleans.fr
Domenico Talia
ICAR-CNR and DEIS - Universita' della Calabria, Italy
Phone: +39 0984 494726
Fax: +39 0984 494713
Email: talia@deis.unical.it
Ana Varbanescu
University of Amsterdam and TU Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 015 2783830
Email: a.l.varbanescu@uva.nl
Miroslav Zivkovic
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 525 75 29
Email: M.Zivkovic@uva.nl
the Conference’s organizers, or consult the Conference’s web site at URLs: http://hpcs2015.cisedu.info/ or http://cisedu.us/rp/hpcs15.